Wickham Market Parish Council started preparing a Neighbourhood Plan in 2015. The aim of the plan is to ensure that future development in Wickham Market takes into account the views of residents. After thorough consultation and commissioning of a number of reports by external consultants and also with guidance from ESC the Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared. The Plan was reviewed by an External Examiner and in his view the plan complied with all guidance and, with minor amendment, should proceed to referendum.
The Plan is now published on the ESC Planning portal as the Referendum version together with ESC's Decision Statement on 2 August which gave approval for the plan to go forward to referendum.
ESC has now called a referendum to be held at Wickham Market Village Hall on 12 Oct 23. Should more than half of those voting support the Neighbourhood Plan, the plan comes into force as part of the statutory development plan for the area. Please read the information provided and use your opportunity to vote.
The Referendum version of the Neighbourhood Plan and its supporting documents are also available on the Wickham Market Neighbourhood Plan Key Documents page.
Dick Jenkinson
Wickham Market Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Committee