Due to unforeseen circumstances our arranged speaker was unable to make our
July meeting so a quiz was quickly put together. These things happen. It was
however particularly unfortunate that we had seven potential new members come.
Hopefully they weren’t too put off by the impromptu arrangements and we will see
them again when we next meet in September.
This will be on Thursday 26th September, as usual in the Wickham Market Village
Hall (IP13 0HE). Doors open at 6.30 for 7pm start. It’s our AGM. Don’t Panic
though……..it’s more of a social event. We are having the Suffolk Lowland Search
and Rescue come to give us a short talk about what they do, before we present them
with a donation cheque for £250. This is money raised through the Chairmans
chosen Charity this year, at our brilliant Fashion Show.
After this we have the business side of the AGM which really isn’t as arduous as it
sounds followed by the social side, with light refreshments and a raffle. A chance to
chat to friends and talk about what the club needs in general. What suggestions you
may have going forward etc. would you like to join us on the committee? You would
be more than welcome.
It would be lovely to see you all after the summer break so please do come. Failing
that, the October meeting is on Thursday 24th October. Again at the Village Hall at
the same time. The demonstrator will be Wendy Goodliffe – “It’s all in a game”. As
usual there will be a Sales table, Refreshments and a Raffle. Your first visit is FREE.
Any queries or for more information, please contact either myself (Mandy) on 01728
748039 or Carol on 01394 383666.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Happy August Holidays.
Mandy PRYKE.