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The Town Lands Trust

The Town Lands Trust is a local charity which offers support for needs within the village of

Wickham Market through two important ways:

a) Each Christmas, the Town Lands charity offers a voucher for those living alone in

Wickham Market of pensionable age, to spend in local shops and businesses. We

know that many look forward to the voucher each year. Please let the Clerk know

of anyone who is newly eligible, for example through having moved into the village

or through a change in circumstances. We are asking especially anyone eligible in

the new housing development and living in Kitson Court who is eligible to let us


b) Support is also on offer from the Town Lands Trust to post-16 students or those in

apprenticeships who live in Wickham Market, towards costs such as books and

educational materials. The clerk will be please to advise anyone eligible on what may

be on offer.

For further enquiries and to discuss any possible claim for support, please contact the Clerk

to the Trustees, Roger Theobald on 01728 746979.


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