Sunday 16th March 10.30am (2 hours max)
Add more native species trees to the tree line west border of Simons Cross sports field.
Park off Thong Hall Lane or walk from Simons Cross or Orchard Place.
Add local grown trees (oak, hawthorn, holly, field maple, prunus, guelder rose) to thicken up the tree line. Tend to the young trees (we started here 25 years ago) and collect up litter and plastic waste.
Native species are used to enhance the landscape and provide a wonderful mini nature reserve, wildlife corridor and a haven for birds!
The tree line also provides some shade and shelter for the many people using the field for recreation.
Tools and gloves will be available.
Bring refreshment and small tools if you have them.
Thursday 27th March 10.00am (2 hours max)
Wickham Market Parish Cemetery meet in the little parking area.
Light work, young tree pruning and protection (from deer!), hedge gapping, tree mulching, bulb care, plus spent/scattered tributes to collect.
Enjoy the very gorgeous wild daffodils which will be flowering.
Good company and fresh air.

Contact Tree Wardens Anne Westover and Sonya Exton if you are interested in getting involved and require more information.
Email: Mob: 07586 266553