Wickham Market Village Hall - 71st Annual Show, 3rd and 4th August 2019. Our theme for 2019:
'50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing'
We will publish the schedule by April for collection in various shops and the library.
We have adopted a show theme for a number of years now, reflecting either nature topics or annual events of significance. This year we had the idea of marking the 50th anniversary of Man stepping onto the moon.
We also know how important the Moon is for gardeners. By working and planting with the forces of nature and the moon you can have a more abundant harvest. Planting by moon cycle may be something to try this year.
The space/moon theme will feature in the following classes -
Floral Art 'A lunar themed garden'
Cookery 'Five cupcakes decorated using a lunar/star theme' and a 'Showstopper cake on a spaceship theme'
Photography 'The sky at night'
The junior classes, up to 12 years old, will feature painting or collage of a spacecraft, handwritten poem about moon/stars/space and model of an alien. The young exhibitor classes, 12-18 years old, will feature model of a spacecraft, and other general classes.
Please allow the solar system, the moon, the stars, lunar landscapes, rockets, spaceships and aliens to inspire you with your creative activities alongside your gardening and vegetable growing.
We also welcome new helpers and/or members of the committee to bring the summer event together. Do get in touch.
Anne Westover: 01728 747689 - Alan Manley: 01728 747431
And the show team, Mandy, Chris, Alison and Philip.