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The George Community Pub - Latest Update  29/11/2018

The George Community Pub - Latest Update 29/11/2018

As most of you will be aware The George Community Pub (Wickham Market) Ltd now own the

Grade11 listed George Pub and to be able to restore the building have applied for first round funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Unfortunately, our first application failed which is not unusual. We have since met with our case officers in Cambridge who provided information on the reasons why and guidance on any future application should we wish to reapply.

The George Committee are now working hard towards addressing the shortfalls of the application and when we have completed our work we will be sending the merits or otherwise of two options to our 325 shareholders.

A members meeting will then be called and a vote taken on whether we should make a second updated application or to maximise the value of the site and sell it with the aim of returning shareholder investment. It is expected that this meeting will take place sometime in February.

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